Beauty manifests itself in a myriad of ways; it is all around us. I was walking by a vacant lot in the neighborhood, the northeast corner of which has been overtaken by a seven-foot weed bush. Not sure if weed bush is an actual thing, but let's roll with it. On the end of the stalks of this weed were beautiful yellow flowers.
It was an unexpected gift of beauty. It evoked the old adage: ‘take time to smell the flowers.’ How often do I? Am I aware of the beauty around me? Or do I allow the busyness of each day to hold captivate my attention and keep my focus so inside my own thoughts and concerns that I don't see the beauty around me?

Beauty Reminders
Every day, every moment we are surrounded by beauty and reminders of how beautiful life can be. As I write this there is a pastel blue sky spread above me like an ethereal ocean with cottony clouds billowing as they sail along. There are children tossing coins into a fountain and as they look back to their parents they fill the air with the sound of their laughter. There is a cool breeze which carries the musky smell of wood smoke from the restaurant behind me. Not to dismiss the pain we endure and the struggles we face, but life is beautiful. April showers bring May flowers. Beyond the struggle is grace, peace, and joy. As I bring this week's blog to a close I'm going to enjoy a Corona Gorda from Tabanero Cigars and be thankful for the good and beautiful in life.
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Yanko Maceda