The beauty of existence is variation, and the land of cigars is brimming with it. The variety of cigar kinds available can make it difficult for newcomers to experiment with and appreciate cigars while searching for their new favorites.
This is why here you will find everything you need to know about cigars, just so this vast world will feel less daunting.
However, before beginning the article - we have some news for you. If you are searching for some quality cigars, then we can give you a good recommendation.
If you head on over to Tabanero Cigars and check out the Maceda Brand, you are in for an undeniably good cigar-smoking experience like never before.
Now, onto the article:
Newcomers to cigars frequently inquire about the relevance of a cigar's form. In actuality, the form of a cigar has little impact. The sole consistent effect of shape is on the rate at which it burns - thin cigars burn faster than thick ones.
Everything else, including the wrapper, tobacco, and filler, determines the flavor, strength, and scent of a cigar. The shapes are simply a means for cigar manufacturers to give their customers a distinctive look and experience.
Parejos are cigars with a straight side and an open foot for lighting, which must be cut before smoking. They can be round or box-pressed, with the latter implying that the edges of the cigar were pushed square prior to packing or, in certain cases, by box pressure.
Despite the fact that parejos make up the majority of cigars, an increasing number of brands are expanding their portfolios to include more creatively formed smokes. These cigars are known as figurados, and they are any cigar that is not a cylinder with a straight side. The tastes inside cigars vary as much as the cigar maker's renditions of the forms.
Cigar wrappers are available in a variety of hues, ranging from light greens and yellows to dark black. There are seven primary color distinctions among wrappers, just as there are seven basic colors that make up the rainbow, with an endless number of shades between each hue.
Wrapper leaves come in various colors due to the various techniques of tobacco processing and the various tobacco strains utilized. Sunlight can also play a role - a wrapper produced in the sun is often darker than a wrapper grown in the shade of the same seed strain.
Because the size of a cigar can vary widely from one brand to the next, it's vital to describe a cigar by its size as well as its form. A cigar's size is determined by a combination of two factors: its length and ring gauge.
The cigar's length is, of course, the distance from end to end. The ring gauge, on the other hand, is measured in 64ths of an inch. Cigars are classified by length and then ring gauge.
There are cigars that are as short as four inches long and as long as nine inches long. Ring gauges, too, vary greatly, ranging from roughly 50 to less than 30.
There's also no relationship between a cigar's size and its intensity. A moderate 8-inch cigar will be mellow, whereas a thin, short cigar packed with robust tobaccos will be full-bodied. Whereas the tobacco used to roll a cigar determines its strength, narrow cigars tend to burn quicker than thicker cigars.
You may find them in a variety of flavors and combinations, so try different ones until you discover one that's right for you!
Yanko Maceda